Said ul Asl (Honey Hunt) – Arabic and Lisan ud Dawat Word Making game


Honey hunt – صيد العسل  tests our knowledge of the languages and motivates us to learn and explore new words, while also practicing the spellings while playing.

Practice it from the comfort of your home, carry it along on a vacation, or gift it to your young ones.

For learning bees of any age (6+ ) as well as adults. Basic and advance playing methods (3 sets of challenge cards to play and learn progressively) along with guide book, all provided within the kit.

Availability : In Stock


Contents of the game:

  1. Huroof tiles, flower tiles, and honey cards
  2. Playing boards
  3. Challenge cards
  4. Score card and pen
  5. Appreciation cards

A Pleasure to Be product

Additional information

Weight 900 g
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