Busaheba Sahifa


Sahifatus Salaat wal Ibadaat.

This sahifa set, published under the guidance of Busaheba Amatullah Aai Saheba is a must have for every mumin household.

A Busaheba publication

Availability : In Stock

SKU: 1067502 Category: Tags: ,


Divided into 4 sections, this comprehensive sahifa covers all aspects of a mumin’s life:

1. detailing zikr 7 da’aim;

2. a mumin’s journey from birth to grave, rusumaat;

3. ebadat during the months;

4. and other miscellaneous zikr e.g. tasbih ul azam namaz etc;

An invaluable resource, ideal for giving as a gift, especially as a housewarming gift, new misaq, or wedding.

Additional information

Weight 1500 g
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