Al Uloom al-Kawniyah – Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah


Al-Dai al-Ajal al-Fatimi Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS states in his risalah shareefah Jamiat Thamarat al-Uloom: “In 1433 H (AD 2013), new coursebooks were introduced for the study of the Natural Sciences (Uloom Kawniyah) in Standards 1-4 (Culture Générale) in order to teach Natural Sciences in light of the philosophy of Ikhwan al-Safa.”

The Uloom Kawniyah course has been designed from an Islamic standpoint and a Fatimi Imani perspective. It incorporates themes from the Quran Majeed, ahadith of Rasul Allah SAW, akaleem of Amir al-Mumineen AS, zikr of Maulana al-Imam al-Husain As, the statements of Awliya Allah As, and the lofty texts of Dawat.

The third edition Uloom Kawniyah textbooks has been updated with detailed examples, self-study videos, vocabulary aids, activities, summaries, facts, revision tests, open-ended questions, and extension reading materials in order to aid a talib al-‘ilm in grasping scientific concepts, practicing deliberate thinking, and putting all that he/she has learnt into practice.

This is a set of 2 books comprising Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) and Geography.

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Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah publication

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Weight 1500 g
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